Press Release

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New This Year: Legacy Learning Lab Events

Bethany Legacy Learning Labs will provide helpful information for prospective grantees in two categories: understanding our grant opportunities and process (The Legacy Grants series), and capacity-building topics for prospective grantees (The Legacy Links series). If you are a staff member, board member, or volunteer of a prospective grantee organization and want to ensure you are…

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Have an idea for a Bethany Legacy Grant?

Our Grant Portal will be accepting applications from March 25 through August 16. Please note these dates are subject to change based on the volume of requests. Beginning on March 25, 2024, grant seekers can submit proposals for funding. New this year is a short pre-application process, which you can submit as soon as you…

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Bethany Legacy Foundation is focusing on what matters

Bethany Legacy Foundation exists to make Jefferson County, Indiana the healthiest place in the world. We partner with stakeholders in our county to make strides toward this goal by providing funding across four main pillars: strong youth, empowered adults, stable seniors, and a robust workforce. With several social determinants of health affecting our county, being…

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Mental Health Matters. For a strong, empowered, and stable Jefferson County

Good mental health is not just the absence of mental disorders but encompasses a broader concept of overall psychological well-being. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) defines mental health as “a state of well-being in which an individual can realize their abilities, cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively, and contribute to…

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A message from our new Board President, Julie Berry

As the newly-elected Bethany Legacy Foundation Chair, I am committed to our mission and proud to follow the outstanding service of our past chair Darleen Connolly. Our team has listened carefully to Jefferson County residents over the past two years of operation. We have developed a strategy of health priorities and invested in projects that…

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To show you how we are, have been, and will continue to be here to help Jefferson County thrive, we introduce Growing a Healthier Jefferson County: 2023 Year in Review series.  In the upcoming months, we invite you to join us as we reflect on the ways our community partners have shown up for the most vulnerable…

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Habitat For Humanity For Southeast Indiana Receives Five-Year $987,925 Grant to Complete Six Homes In The Clifty Woods Subdivision

Madison, IN–Bethany Legacy Foundation has awarded a $987,925 grant to Habitat for Humanity for Southeast Indiana to fund the cost of building the remaining six homes in the Clifty Woods subdivision off Beech Grove Street and Green Rd. So far, three of the nine homes have been completed. Funds will be dispersed as homes are…

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$78,650 Grant Awarded To Hanover College From Bethany Legacy Foundation For Hanover-Madison Connector Trail Engineering Study

Madison, IN – A dream of many in our region is about to be realized: a trail to connect the towns of Hanover and Madison, Indiana. Soon, those without a vehicle or other means of transportation from one town to the other and those who just want to walk or cycle for health on a…

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The Town of Hanover Receives $332,588 Grant to Upgrade and Expand Hanover Park

Residents of every town everywhere deserve a quality community park in which to gather, connect with others, and play. As the result of a generous grant award in the amount of $332,588 from Bethany Legacy Foundation, The Town of Hanover now has enough funding to upgrade and expand Hanover Park on Spruce Ln. This grant…


The City of Madison Police Department Awarded $100,000 from Bethany Legacy Foundation

Madison, Indiana (August 22, 2023) – The City of Madison Police Department (MPD) announced the Bethany Legacy Foundation has awarded a $100,000 grant to the department for the implementation of a new mental health program called Police Advocacy and Support Services (PASS). The new program will provide mental health services for MPD officers and officers…
