Grants Awarded
Bethany Legacy Foundation is delighted to support and partner with local not-for-profit organizations, churches, schools, and government entities as appropriate and aligned to the BLF priorities and core values through our grantmaking. The list below is just a glance into the amazing things these organizations are doing to better Jefferson County.
Thank you for your service to the residents of Jefferson County!
December 2022 The Freedom Center - $56,865: New mental health counseling support for up to 50 clients per week
Boys and Girls Club of Jefferson County - $716,822 (2yrs): Facility renovation and organizational restructure
CASA of Jefferson County, Inc- $25,000 (3yrs): Prevent Child Abuse Jefferson County startup costs
Children’s Advocacy Center - $288,778: Renovation of new building to support children who are victims of abuse
Children’s Advocacy Center - $100,000: New Building Completion Supplemental Request
City of Madison, IN - $126,000: Planning and Design Projects
City of Madison, IN - $2M (2yrs): Crystal Beach Aquatic Park
City of Madison Police Department - $100,000: Mental health support for law enforcement
Community - $263,536.00: AEDs for first responders; parks and educational entities
Englishton Park - $20,000: General Operating Support for Summer 2023 Camp
Girls Inc. - $352,000 (3 yrs): Strong, Smart, and Bold Outreach Project
Habitat for Humanity of Southeast Indiana - $987,925 (over up to 5 yrs): Houses 4-9 of Clifty Woods Affordable Housing Subdivision
Hanover College - $22,068: Hanover – Madison Connector Trail Phase 2 Engineering Study
Hanover College - $104,000: Health professions research to identify educational programs needed in our county
Hanover United Methodist Church - $11,500: After School Program
ICESAHT - $22,864: Training to prevent sexual assault and human trafficking.
Jefferson County PEP - $1,650,000 (3 yrs): Program to help families access mortgages and car loans for quality cars.
Jefferson County Youth Shelter - $20,000: General Capacity building to support at risk teens
Jefferson County Youth Shelter - $50,000: Transportation Van
Kindness Jefferson County - $62,500: Sensory Activation Vehicle
Life Choices Clinic - $100,000: Capacity Building Support
Lifetime Resources - $27,644.80: 2 replacement vans for Catch a Ride program
Madison Consolidates Schools and Southwestern Schools - $34,664.09: Medical Vehicles for student athletes
New Life Fellowship Church - $28,365: Supports Citizens of Jefferson County for Suicide Prevention group as they provide training and support group services related to suicide prevention.
Norton's KDH - $300,000: Ambulance Refurbishment
Norton KDH Cancer Institute - $30,000 (2yrs): Nutritional food supplements for cancer patients
Pope John XXIII Elementary - $150,000: Playground Upgrades and Restructure
RVR - Clearinghouse - $100,000: Unrestricted
RVR - La Casa Amiga - $300,000(3yrs): Unrestricted
Southwestern Pool Boosters - $650,000 (pledge): Indoor Pool Renovation
The Freedom Center - $300,000 (3 yrs): Unrestricted
The Salvation Army - $275,000: Building Renovation and Social Services
Town of Dupont - $350,000: New Dupont Community Playground/Park
Town of Hanover - $332,588: Gap funding for Hanover Park improvements Phase 1
Centerstone of Indiana - $125,000.00: A mini bus to drive individual clients and groups to Centerstone therapy appointments.
Choices Coordinated Care Solutions Inc- $1,000,000.00 (2yrs): Infants in Bloom Pilot Project.
Community - $8,600.00: 5 AEDs for Veterans organizations: the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars and the County Veterans Office.
Girls Inc. of Jefferson County, IN - $180,000.00 (3yrs): Mental health advocate to provide mental health supports and interventions to Girls Inc. members.
Jefferson County House of Hope Inc - $40,000.00: A new freezer for the food pantry and unrestricted funding for both programs.
Jefferson County Transitional Services, Inc. - $40,000.00: Unrestricted
Jefferson County Veterans Council - $41,000.00: A van to drive Jefferson County veterans to medical and mental health appointments.
Life Choices Clinic - $53,000.00 (3yrs): A new staff position to implement an ACEs screening and a response/referral process all clients, as well as staff training and client events.
LifeTime Resources - $9,870.00: A series of videos and other marketing materials to educate the public about how to use Catch-a-Ride.
Madison Consolidated School Corporation - $528,000.00 (4yrs): A Expanding the professional capacity of Madison Consolidated Schools student services team in order to best serve the students, faculty, and staff of the corporation.
Recovery Cafe of Madison - $25,000.00: Unrestricted
Southeast Indiana Transitional Resources - $100,000.00: Unrestricted